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kids are small

So much to say and only a limited time to say it. Henceforth this entry will probably suck, and read like a hurried, overworked and undersatisfied dad with a 3-year-old leaning on his arm shaking a Wiimote around.

But you know what? I like my 3-year-old leaning on me. Cause then I can put my arms around her and bury my face in her hair, close my eyes, and feel her life force surrounding me, and I'm calmed. The intense vibrations of stress cease, and I am at peace.

The baby sleeps in her room, mama's at work, the weather's nice, it's mostly quiet around here, and life is good.

So much has happened since and before the Racer shootings that I've wanted to blog about, but haven't had the time. Let's see if I can shoot out a quick list without going into much detail:

  • Lucy is peeing in the toilet like a champion, and she even poos in there sometimes. And she wears underwear now, not diapers.
  • BB can take five or six steps all by herself now.
  • I'm done with school for the summer.
  • My dad is driving his motorcycle out here, from MI, to see us and meet BB for the first time. He'll be here Monday.
  • Megan is taking a week off for the occasion.
  • I saw Sleep a few nights ago. Legendary.
  • Lucy has a belly button and I like to put my finger in it.
  • Lucy can now point the Wiimote at the tv and push the A button when the proper thing is highlighted.
You know what she just did, as I was typing that last sentence? She put the Wiimote on the couch, started pulling her pants down off her ass, which is incredibly funny, and started walking towards the bathroom to go pee all by herself.

I have to get up and wipe her now.

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