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It occurs to me that I should be posting more on this blog, but fuck, a new baby is a lot of work.

Especially when you've already got a two year old running around!

Megan does have the time off work, so life is relaxing enough around here. The screaming baby does make it difficult at times, but at the very worst, it's just really annoying. Aggravating. Sometimes I find myself thinking, 'I don't deserve this!' when BB gets in one of her screamy moods. And I get mad then. And it's not productive. She doesn't know what mad even is!

But one thing makes it much better: she sleeps thru the night. IN THE CRIB. I mean, she wakes up at 5 or 6 am, but she's out by like 11. And she sleeps thru most of the day, too.

My kid's not sleeping in my goddam bed and keeping me awake. No way. The queen size is big enough for mom and dad, not a squirmy toddler, not a don't-put-blankets-on-me-or-I'll-suffocate newborn. Babying kids is not what they need. Kids are jerks. Kids need to learn to sleep the hell alone.

Today BB is 3 weeks, 4 days old. She's starting to cry less and be calmer when she's awake, which is a great fucking relief, cause she was crying nonstop while awake for the first three weeks. Mostly. She's showing more concentration with her eyes, and they aren't as crossed as often. I can tell she's seeing better. She's also making little sounds that aren't cries--I read that that's her trying to talk to me, and that I should talk back. So I do. It's adorable. She looks right into my eyes when I do.

I was telling myself that I should write about this stuff specifically because I am in a time when writing is hard to do. Cause I only get a few hours of free time per day, and I want to use it to relax and play video games and turn my brain off! And writing requires brain power. And effort. You know, the thing about writing for me is, I always feel good doing it, and it becomes effortless when I get started.

But anyway, how many dads chronicle their time raising a new kid? Don't we always see new parents kind of fall of the map for a little while? That's cause newborns are demanding, even when mom is home.

See, mom also has to heal from the birth process. And she's gonna be stuck breastfeeding an infant who cries a lot, so basically she doesn't leave the house, and she's lucky if she can get enough of a break to do anything physical. It's up to dad, in these occasions, to pick up the slack chore-wise, and helping fetch things for mama that she can't easily get up to get, and rocking the baby to sleep at night when mama's too fucking tired to rock the baby anymore and the baby won't shut up and it's 11:30pm. Doesn't leave much time for writing.

But see, then what you lose from this is experience on paper, written at the time it's happening, from dads about raising newborns. That's valuable information, being that the majority of parenting advice is written by and for mothers. This makes it kind of annoying for dads to seek out parenting advice.

One reason is that mothers are spazzes about their children walking to the edges of cliffs and dads just kinda say, yeah well if they get hurt they learn a lesson. A place for dads to get newborn, infant and toddler-raising advice from other dads needs to exist. Dads are relaxed and with it, and they don't take shit from misbehaving kids.

Well, dads, here I am. Ask me something. I'll give you the answer, and it won't be coated in pink and sugar. I don't sugarcoat.

Here's one example: You ever hear that line about how kids grow up so fast? And that you should treasure it while they're young? Bullshit.

It takes kids a long time just to grow up a little bit. Just to hit milestones that come easily to adults, like walking, reading, talking, basic motor skills, overcoming childish fears. Kids don't usually walk until they're a year old, give or take. You realize how long a year is?

Think about this: kids don't shit in the toilet till they're about three, on average, and that's just starting to! You've still got to wipe them! Then they're four and five and you're still wiping their ass after they shit on the toilet.

Five years of cleaning up someone else's shit for them.

Kids do not grow up fast. They take forever.

Here's some free advice: is your kid misbehaving? They're looking for attention from you! It's not real! They're testing you!

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