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Sometimes I see news that leaves me shaky and disturbed.

A Texas judge was recently caught beating his daughter on camera.

Seven years ago, Hillary Adams covertly recorded a video of her father, Judge at Law William Adams, beating her with a belt. She was 16.

She uploaded it to YouTube last October 27. The video has gone viral, and people all over the country, and the world, are responding.

I tried to watch the video. When he started to hit her I couldn't do it anymore. I had to close it. Too much. Too close to home. Too scary. My kids were both awake, too.

Here it is.

It's fucked up. There's pain depicted here that no one wants to feel.

Apparently Hillary's mom joins in and helps dad beat daughter; I didn't watch that far into it. Mom, incidentally, is currently on a path to redemption. She probably wouldn't be so apologetic, I'd wager, if she weren't in an international spotlight. The dad sure isn't very apologetic. He's been quoted as saying "it looks worse than it is."

Hillary has ataxic cerebral palsy, by the way. Read her description of the video on the YT page, under the video window.

Here's a continuous coverage page from Corpus Christi tv news station KZTV. When you open the page it will automatically open a smaller video window over the existing one and you have to close it... just so you know. It won't even play the video either.

Here's an NPR story about it. Mature coverage.

Here's my favorite comment on the video:

Judge William Adams
301 N. Live Oak St.
Rockport, TX 78382
Phone: 361-790-0138
Fax: 361-790-0185

Here's my 6 word synopsis (it's for my COM class):
Texas judge beats disabled daughter, lives

What the fuck is it with Texas? Here's a story from 2009 about a San Antonio mom killing her 3-week-old boy, gruesomely. This was the last story I read that made me react the way I did today.

Texas. Lately, they've given us the George Bush twins, Rick Perry, the San Antonio Slayer, and the Aransas Daughter Beater Judge.


So Grand Theft Auto Five looks like it's gonna be awesome, right?


  1. Here's my comment: My dad used to spank the shit out of us with a belt. My mom used a paddle. Sometimes we deserved it. Sometimes we didn't. I'm not going to watch the video and I think it's unfortunate the the gal has C.P. but regardless, we have no idea what transpired prior to the belt whipping. The reality is that girl is going to have a way better idea on how to discipline her kids when they become of age where that kind of behavior is/is not appropriate.

  2. Well, Nathaniel, I'm sorry your dad spanked the shit out of you with a belt. But I can tell you--you never deserved it. You trying to tell me I shouldn't be so enraged?


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