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Strange Day

Today has been a bit strange.

Sleeping from around 10:30 to 7:2...4, only waking up once at night, the day began with restfulness and an ease in getting out of bed to Lucy walking in the room and making me. The usual. BB's wordless demands usually wake me up, and Lucy comes in to do the rest with worded demands.

Doing some random cleaning of piles of papers and mail, I found this card my father sent to Megan after BB was born. It was really sweet. It made me happy that my parents family is so down with my immediate family. Namely, with Megan. They're all about her. It's great. They've never had a problem with her. They probably see her as really good for me.

So I wrote my parents a letter. I haven't done that in a raccoon's age. Purple pen on two pieces of Lucy-colored-on invoice paper (or something--lines on them in columns) from Megan's work. I wrote my words  in the columns. It was cool to think they'd actually get to see some of my handwriting.

My generation relies on electronic communications so much more than my parents'. When we're the middle-aged generation, approaching our 60's, ... I don't even want to think about that. Technology will be so much more advanced. A guest speaker in my Writing for Mass Comm class said something that got me started thinking about this the past few weeks:

"I think we're gonna see some serious Blade Runner type stuff in the near future."

Second weird thing--BB hasn't taken a nap yet and it's 10:48. I gave up trying and am now going to give her the second bottle she usually gets around this time. See ya. Pictures? Yes.

Shoot. This is my new MacBook Air 13' screen awesome new computer and all my pictures are on my other computer and my phone charger, which has the cable I need to put phone pics on my computer, I left at Justin's house yesterday cause I can't find it right now and it must be over there and that's the last place I remember seeing it.

Bye bye.

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