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Fotografía Moderna

Turns out I have a little time before class with no homework left to do.

I mean, I could do more, but I can't access the readings right now. Sometimes the links from my professor's webpage don't work.

Oh, well. Devilish smiley.

I have Blogging class tonight. The topic of discussion this week is modern photography, focusing on Flickr. I've read two of three pretty lengthy research papers on the subject (the third I can't access).

It ties directly into the subject of blogging, because modern photography is virtually completely digital. And with digital photography, you've got equipment specifically developed to be manipulated by a computer; namely, by the photographer with immediacy, not a photo company that is hampered by the pace of postal services.

One of the articles I read was on Flickr. Pretty cool stuff. Changing modern and amateur photography as we know it.

The other article delved into the failure of Kodak to adapt to the shift in photography from analogue to digital, a failure that crippled them. As a monolith of a company, old and steady but stubborn, they viewed digital photography as important too late. Also they spent too much money on research and development that produced almost nothing notable.

I like this class. School rules.

Last night I had Spanish. We're dealing now with affirmative and negative commands.

Mi tiempo para escribir ha terminado. Debe ir a la clase. ¡Adios amigos! Amo a todos.

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