Lucy's gonna be all done jumping now, dada. Really, dada? Really?
"Help me, dada! Help me! I'm stuck! Eeerrrrrrrrrr! I'm stuck!" She wasn't stuck. This is called Too Much Go Diego Go! Syndrome, or TMGDGS.
Lucy tends to think that she's an animal on Diego, and needs to call out for help. Perhaps she thinks Diego will come save her and then be her best friend forever.
She'll probably handle the knowledge better than I did, me being a boy and all.
Shifting gears, a little while ago the Baby Einstein version of Beethoven's ninth symphony made her cry. Ever since then, she sometimes asks me to sing the 'baby einstein song,' to which I usually reply in the affirmative and commence singing, cause it's easy and I only have to sing a few bars.
But today, I was like, "Do you wanna hear that song for real?"
"Yeah!" was her excited reply.
Found it on Spotify. Listening to it now. It kicks ass. I never appreciated classical music so much as a child. I mean, I liked it, but I never understood it. How grande it can be. Beethoven's fifth always pumps me up nowadays. The song contains fervor and fury and a crazy beauty. Not sure how much Lucy likes it, but she doesn't have to. (CORRECTION: Lucy cried to Beethoven's Ninth. I was playing and commenting on Beethoven's Fitfh. I never put that together in the kitchen that day.)
She's only 2 years and 11 months old (in 10 days).
It just occurred to me--you may be wondering, "How do I know that, when Lucy's crying for help, she's not being truthful?" Well, I'll tell you, astute question asker.
It's all about the tone of voice. Lucy says it in the same way that the animals on the show say it.
If she's really in trouble, she makes sure to cry before she can make full words with her mouth. The freakout in her voice is audible. This dada knows when his Lucille is in trouble.
Look how beautiful she is. My very own daughter.
I've been blessed with two of them! Bb's starting to say "Dada." Oh my lord the preciousness....
Look how beautiful she is. My very own daughter.
I've been blessed with two of them! Bb's starting to say "Dada." Oh my lord the preciousness....
Oh my lord the preciousness of this're a great "Dada".....