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Blathering I: Forks and Birthdays

How dull can you make a toddler fork? You make that thing too dull and rounded and it works better as a spoon. I guess my kid's better about not stabbing herself with silverware than other kids. That's probably why there are also real toddler forks that are sharp, and a parent can choose what fork to give their kid. Choices, choices. To stab, or not to stab oneself's eye? We have one dull, colorful fork, and two no-nonsense, silver, sharp forks. We're all fans of the later in this house.

In other news, my brother Ian came down to Seattle from the northern land of Bellingham. He dropped off many fine musics for our many birthdays in a row. Not only did he bring me three metal cds to rip, he bought Megan and I four non-metal records for our birthdays. He also got Lucy four Hot Wheels cars, but he didn't seem to be satisfied with the New Toy effect they had on Lucy. Even though she played with them a lot that night.

He's probably feeling a version of what all parents feel when a kid is disappointed with a new toy you gave them.

See, in our house we've got four birthdays, four months in a row:
Feb 27: me
March 11: Lucy
April 28: Megatron
May 9 (tentatively): Whoever that is in there.

I used to say that Lucy has usurped my birthday, cause it's so close to mine, but if our second kid is born on time, Megan's birthday will be even more usurped. There are 12 days between mine and Lucy's birthdays, but there will tentatively be 11 between Megan's and new baby's.

If that's the case, I'll be making lots of jokes about how Megan's womb must be more comfortable than most, cause neither baby wanted to leave it on time. However funny those jokes happen to be remains to be seen.

Family visits are cool.

Here are three pictures of Lucy doing what she does best from last week at Sandpoint Park, right next to the dog park.

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