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Day 2 of 2 Kid Time

I'm not saying it's gonna be this way forever, but so far it's not been that hard.

Yesterday was already different than today. BB slept in bed with me until I was ready to wake up, or until Lucy woke us up. We had a really early walk outside, which put BB out pretty well. She then took a big nap. I fed her three bottles throughout the day. And her and Lucy took tandem naps, which is definitely something I'm going to want to replicate every day, if possible.

But you know kids. Nothing stays the same. Except that they want what they can't have.

Today BB was up earlier and didn't sleep with me in the bed. Megan carried her around as she got ready for work, which was nice of her. She even brought me a cup of coffee before I got out of bed. I think she's happy, or at least suppressing her despair, to be back at work.

One thing that's different about BB than baby Lucy is that BB can be left alone for short periods, and she even falls asleep by herself. Lucy may have as well, but I was always too scared she's suffocate on her blankets, or, gasp!, be lonely. I was pretty worried all the time with my first kid, and she got maybe more attention than was absolutely necessary. Not a bad thing, but I may have been working or stressing myself harder than I needed to.

Now that I've got two of them, I need to not be as stressed. For everyone's sake.

Right now BB is sitting next to me on the couch, propped up by the Boppy pillow, and Lucy is watching Yo Gabba Gabba. Everything is cool. Today, so far, is not so hard. I always think I shouldn't count the proverbial chickens before they hatch, but fuck it. Today is starting out to be a good day, which bodes well for the future.

And my future is gonna look a lot like what it looks like now. ...

except I got accepted into UW. School starts late September!

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