This is what Lucy and I are listening to at the kitchen table right now. I've got my laptop and she's got a pen and some crayons and a copy of The Stranger to color all over. So listen to the song and you'll get the authentic My House Experience as of Right Now. There's something about Ozzy that makes even his corny ballads totally awesome.
Lucy is currently whining about how I won't draw a second elephant for her. But that's not what I wanted to talk about. What is what I wanted to talk about is--holy crap, I got really really lucky in one regard with regards to my new baby.
First let me let you ponder what it might be for a few sentences. I love to draw things out, like Lynch. Oh, by the way, to further distract you, Megan and I came up with a great nickname for her, based on the way her hair looks-- Lynchmusch. Her hair is turning into a mix of Jim Jarmusch's and David Lynch's. She's our little Lynchmusch.
Okay, back to the matter at hand. Parents--take a guess. Ponder with me a bit. What is the one thing with kids that you want to not take a long time, but always does? It's something that can make you pull your own hair out.
So how do you put your kid down for a nap? Wait, it doesn't matter, cause I've got you beat. Here, let me tell you how I put her down for a nap just today. I'll start with how she woke up this morning.
She woke up this morning.
Ha. ha.
She woke up this morning at 5:55 a.m., at the precise moment Megan was walking out the door to go to work. Good thing I went to bed at 11:11 p.m. It would have been later, cause Fallout 3 is way way too fun, but I'm diligent about not staying up too late. So I was awake enough to get up with BB. It took me a few minutes, but that's neither here nor there. It is some where, though. Ha. ha.
I got up and warmed up a bottle for her and fed it to her while I finished my Star Trek: Voyager episode. Paris was innocent! I knew it all along. Lucy woke up at about 6:30 a.m. She had woken up last night around 4, and I got up and put her back to bed. It was funny watching her stumble into everything on the way to her room from ours. Someone's been drinkin! ha. ha.
Okay I've gotta go make a house with Lucy and her blocks hold on.
Okay, now it's like an hour later and Lucy's totally pissed me off, but I'm getting over it. Potty training and trying to get her to dress and undress herself are the culprits. Or, her reaction to these things is the culprit. Ugh. Diligence, dad. Diligence. It'll happen.
Anyway. BB falls asleep when I just put her in the crib, throw a blanket on her, and turn on the noise maker and the loud fan. Usually she won't cry right away. If she's not tired, sometimes she'll just silently stay awake, looking at her colorful butterfly toy. Other times she'll cry. But dada knows the signs of a baby that's full of milk and all pooped out and tired, and most of the time I get the timing right. I'll put her in the crib when she seems tired, and walk out. She falls asleep the vast majority of the time.
I think I've talked about this here before, but it's still sorta new to me as I'm still figuring it out. Anyway I got BB to take a nap for about an hour between 7 and 8 or something like that. She woke up cause she had a poop, so I changed her diaper. She still looked tired, so I laid her back down in the crib, but somehow I don't think this one's going to take. She's currently wailing in there, and Lucy's begging me to take her to the park. So this is the end of the blogging bye~!
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