Lucybeans levels up
Well, the older kid's sleeping till 7:30 these days, which is bloody perfect.
The other kid's waking up at 6:30, religiously, dans poo. Effectively, every morning it's like, "Hey, wake up! Here's some shit."
You wake up changing a poopy diaper, you're gonna get Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo stuck in your head. It's a given. And though that song is funny, it loses its appeal the 11th time it runs through your head, antes de las siete en la mañana, sin café.
In other news, they're both beautiful little girls. Muy bonitas y tan inteligente. They make me endlessly happy.
Meanwhile, Lucy has peed in the toilet twice since I wrote last.
I'm very proud of The Beans for progressing in this Potty Training quest. The quest marker has disappeared from her compass and the world map.
A few days ago, I sat her on the toilet sometime in the afternoon. Twice, pants around ankles, she got and walked out of the bathroom, telling me she peed. Both times it was just a drop--a spot on the bottom of that little, plastic, lime-green, half-sphere.
I sat her back down on the little toilet a third time.
A minute passed. She came out of the bathroom a third time, pants around ankles, but this time she wasn't full of beans. She totally had a full pee.
Never before have I been so excited to see a golden pool.
High-fives all around. I was happy, and Lucy was happy that I was happy. I dare say she was proud of herself.
Yesterday, I sat her down on the toilet again. There was a lot of crying and protesting on the way to the bathroom. At one point I was dragging her by her hand across the kitchen floor as she cried sorrowful antijubilations.
A half hour later, she totally peed. Easiest one yet. I think this is the beginning of an uphill climb.
Sometime this past month, for about a week, I was letting Lucy play video games right after waking. She would sometimes even skip her graham crackers and milk routine, vegetating on the couch for like, as long as I'd let her. Some days, two hours would go by.
It made my job easier, but for the wrong reason. I could see her mind melting out her ears. I knew it wasn't right.
Then one day at school last week, I was confiding in a Noble friend about the toilet training issues I'm having. She said that if it were her, she'd just take all tv away.
It took a minute for that to sink in. I must have given her a weird look, cause she followed that with, "But that's coming from someone who doesn't have kids."
Thank you, Noble. It worked. I was tired that day.
Megan and I needed to solidify our toilet-training plan. We started with just taking away her favorite tv show, Go Diego Go! That show in particular became the reward we'd promise her, along with a cookie to sweeten the deal. During the day, we'd let her watch other tv shows--Blue's Clues, Curious George, Strawberry Shortcake and the like.
It wasn't enough. She wasn't learning any faster that atop-toilet-defecation is an unstoppable part of life. I think we were giving her a mixed message, but I can't specifically narrow down what it may have been. That's delving too far into the psychology of kids, a field in which I am not educated.
After taking all tv away and making the viewing of it conditional on toilet success, combined with daily sits on the toilet, Lucy began making headway in just a few days.
And gol'darnit, my sensitive reader, if something awesome didn't just happen when I was in the bathroom with Lucy just today, typing this. She was on the toilet, and she peed right in front of me. And she was totally ok with it---talking to me mid-stream, saying,
"I can get Diego! And a cookie. Mama's gonna bring some cookies home! Mama's gonna stay in the house, and yer gon' go to school, but mama will be home very soon, when I go to bed. 'Cause it's a GREEN toilet!"
So here we are now, on the couch in the living room. Diego's on, and she already played some Zelda. I'm listening to video game cover music in jazz form on headphones. BB's sleeping. The coffee seeps thru my veins.
Life is gooooooood. Seriously, I feel great right now.
Tonight, I've got a date to meet with the dudes from Bukkake Bloodbath.
I know, I know. Here's how it went down--a guy named David, with a thick Spanish accent, calls me and says he loves my ad in The Stranger, where I say that I want to bring black metal back to Seattle. He sounded way down, but also didn't sound very committal on starting up a serious project.
But he did want to network, and just talk and play and jam and see what happens. And he sounds totally metal. So we'll see what happens.
It's going down tonight sometime, if he gets back to me. I'll have to text him soon. Since I get up earlier than virtually EVERY PERSON IN ANY BAND EVER, I always have to wait till like noon to text band friends.
So that's cool. Also, I finished my final project for Digital Storytelling. Here it is.
Not the best work ever, but it was my first of this sort. So it's not going to be that great. Novice work never is. But I plan on pursuing this medium further come summer, independently.
Well, the older kid's sleeping till 7:30 these days, which is bloody perfect.
The other kid's waking up at 6:30, religiously, dans poo. Effectively, every morning it's like, "Hey, wake up! Here's some shit."
You wake up changing a poopy diaper, you're gonna get Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo stuck in your head. It's a given. And though that song is funny, it loses its appeal the 11th time it runs through your head, antes de las siete en la mañana, sin café.
In other news, they're both beautiful little girls. Muy bonitas y tan inteligente. They make me endlessly happy.
Meanwhile, Lucy has peed in the toilet twice since I wrote last.
I'm very proud of The Beans for progressing in this Potty Training quest. The quest marker has disappeared from her compass and the world map.
A few days ago, I sat her on the toilet sometime in the afternoon. Twice, pants around ankles, she got and walked out of the bathroom, telling me she peed. Both times it was just a drop--a spot on the bottom of that little, plastic, lime-green, half-sphere.

A minute passed. She came out of the bathroom a third time, pants around ankles, but this time she wasn't full of beans. She totally had a full pee.
Never before have I been so excited to see a golden pool.
High-fives all around. I was happy, and Lucy was happy that I was happy. I dare say she was proud of herself.
Yesterday, I sat her down on the toilet again. There was a lot of crying and protesting on the way to the bathroom. At one point I was dragging her by her hand across the kitchen floor as she cried sorrowful antijubilations.
A half hour later, she totally peed. Easiest one yet. I think this is the beginning of an uphill climb.
Sometime this past month, for about a week, I was letting Lucy play video games right after waking. She would sometimes even skip her graham crackers and milk routine, vegetating on the couch for like, as long as I'd let her. Some days, two hours would go by.
It made my job easier, but for the wrong reason. I could see her mind melting out her ears. I knew it wasn't right.
Then one day at school last week, I was confiding in a Noble friend about the toilet training issues I'm having. She said that if it were her, she'd just take all tv away.
It took a minute for that to sink in. I must have given her a weird look, cause she followed that with, "But that's coming from someone who doesn't have kids."
Thank you, Noble. It worked. I was tired that day.
Megan and I needed to solidify our toilet-training plan. We started with just taking away her favorite tv show, Go Diego Go! That show in particular became the reward we'd promise her, along with a cookie to sweeten the deal. During the day, we'd let her watch other tv shows--Blue's Clues, Curious George, Strawberry Shortcake and the like.
It wasn't enough. She wasn't learning any faster that atop-toilet-defecation is an unstoppable part of life. I think we were giving her a mixed message, but I can't specifically narrow down what it may have been. That's delving too far into the psychology of kids, a field in which I am not educated.
After taking all tv away and making the viewing of it conditional on toilet success, combined with daily sits on the toilet, Lucy began making headway in just a few days.
And gol'darnit, my sensitive reader, if something awesome didn't just happen when I was in the bathroom with Lucy just today, typing this. She was on the toilet, and she peed right in front of me. And she was totally ok with it---talking to me mid-stream, saying,
"I can get Diego! And a cookie. Mama's gonna bring some cookies home! Mama's gonna stay in the house, and yer gon' go to school, but mama will be home very soon, when I go to bed. 'Cause it's a GREEN toilet!"
So here we are now, on the couch in the living room. Diego's on, and she already played some Zelda. I'm listening to video game cover music in jazz form on headphones. BB's sleeping. The coffee seeps thru my veins.
Life is gooooooood. Seriously, I feel great right now.
Tonight, I've got a date to meet with the dudes from Bukkake Bloodbath.
I know, I know. Here's how it went down--a guy named David, with a thick Spanish accent, calls me and says he loves my ad in The Stranger, where I say that I want to bring black metal back to Seattle. He sounded way down, but also didn't sound very committal on starting up a serious project.
But he did want to network, and just talk and play and jam and see what happens. And he sounds totally metal. So we'll see what happens.
It's going down tonight sometime, if he gets back to me. I'll have to text him soon. Since I get up earlier than virtually EVERY PERSON IN ANY BAND EVER, I always have to wait till like noon to text band friends.
So that's cool. Also, I finished my final project for Digital Storytelling. Here it is.
Not the best work ever, but it was my first of this sort. So it's not going to be that great. Novice work never is. But I plan on pursuing this medium further come summer, independently.
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