I just purchased this used. Craigslist is a marvelous thing these days. The kid I bought it from even showed me how Linux works. You can rotate stuff in 3d! He had a badass laptop, and also two other ones on the same desk. What you need three computers on one desk for is beyond me. And all of them running.
Anyway, he threw in an xlr cable, too. I would have had to drop more cash on one of those--my bartering skills worked this time. But now, apparently, I'm on the road to being Mr. Big Rich Star of Rock. Or, in other words, making recordings of my songs. I mean, I could before, but now it should sound legitimater than my last mic pre-less recordings sound. Oh, I'm so excited.
Now I just need to download the program that's required to use it fully. Bore. This is really a piece of equipment designed for digital recording. Some analog, vinyl purist I am.
Someday I should make a list of my vinyl collection.
When I was in Porkfist with Eddie Jackson, we only begrudgingly recorded digitally. But--we only did whole-song-takes. Meaning, no overdubs. Every track on every song goes from the beginning to the end of the entire song. No patch ins. We did record tracks separately, though. The drums and rhythm guitar were recorded simultaneously, tho. I DIGRESS We got an analog-type sound with digital recording.
With Jason Kefalas, we did everything shamelessly digitally. But we were industrial boys and that's the way that's done. We were crazier than Porkfist. By the way, Jason's solo project is really sweet. Listen to "Traveller."
And with my Seattle band... ugh, let's not talk about that.
Point is, everything has been done digitally, and will continue to be.
Really weird guy at Molly Moon's tonight. Vancouverian, two daughters and one infant I couldn't determine the sex of. Really, really wanted to talk. Was loud. Embarrassing his wife all over the place. She was so annoyed with him. "I mean, am I right? You know what I'm talking about, right? Family's the most important thing in life. I mean, isn't it? She's laughing at me. What are you laughing at, honey? Oh, always spreading my message." Couldn't pay attention to the ice cream cone in one hand, the bowl of Lucy's ice cream in the other, and trying to feed Lucy as she became more restless, and listening to this guy banter on for-fucking-EVER. Megan agreed. That guy was total buzzkill.
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