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Tired--a slice of life story

Bring your hat

Life gets you tired sometimes. Last night at P&P we had a late rush. We close at midnight, and since I'm the only kitchen worker the nights I work, I need a lot of time to clean everything and wrap stuff up before I leave. So I was there like, pretty late.

I just remembered something I didn't wrap up.

Anyway, the place was suddenly full of people wanting food at around 11 p.m. Like, two 6tops and a bunch of other smaller orders. My rail went from no tickets full of tickets in about five minutes. I had to stagger the pies going in and out of the oven, and people were having to wait for their food. And that was the second rush we had! The first was a four- or five-hour-long rush that depleted most of our reserves of prepped food. But I gotta say--it's good to make money.

The late rush went pretty well, considering. None of us were prepared for it, and none of us pleased, but that's how it goes. In these situations, there's nothing you can do but work work work. I felt that I was on my A Game all last night, too. I was rocking out those plates and the food was looking good. Except I kept burning sweet potato fries... those things go from ready to eat, to burnt in like three seconds.

Lucy's waking up at 7-7:15 a.m. these days, which means I do too. After the rush last night, it took me until close to 1 a.m. to get everything done. When I got home I had to rush to brush my teeth and get in bed, which is problematic cause I was wired from work, but I also knew Lucy would be up early, so I had no choice. And I couldn't fall asleep until probably around 2.

And she's sick! Little girl is a snot factory today.

At the park a few days ago this grandmother said me that it's going to get hectic when our next kid is born. A newborn and a two-year-old--wow. What were we thinking? That thought kinda kept me up last night. I was lying there in bed, wired and unsuccessfully trying to sleep, worrying about things I don't need to worry about. Jeez.

And I think I've been fighting off a cold for three or so weeks now. It comes out when I don't get enough sleep. I've been drinking a lot of Emergen-C. And coffee. Aah! Coffee's getting cold in the kitchen! gaaah!

I love you, microwave.

There's a meeting at work today. I keep thinking about whether I'm going to address these grievances I have or keep my mouth shut. There's a right and a wrong way to say everything, and I want to make sure I say it right or not at all. Cause if you say it wrong, your cause is lost.

The main purpose of the meeting is to meet our new General Manager. This guy (I forget his name) is going to oversee both the front and back of the house. I hope me can handle it. We P&P employees can sure dish out a lot of shit.

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