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My music sounds like shit and now there's math doom metal

that's right, yap, dog. yap yourself ever closer to your eventual death....

Oh, hi there! I was just looking around on MySpace for some pretty sweet bands. And I did found a few. Namely, one called Dark Castle. They're located in Florida, and are comprised of a guitarist and a drummer, both of whom sing. And it's actual singing, too.

What first surprised me was that the sound is really full, for there being just one guitar. He's got it tuned really low, and also plays in this way that's really unique. He makes sure that guitar sounds always fill the space, and if you listen to the way he plays, you'll realize it's not like the usual metal you'll hear. This is the second thing that impressed me--it's not the usual metal you hear. It's almost never in 4/4 time--it's math doom metal! Such a thing is kinda unheard of! I'm really kinda feeling the inner geek in me rise up and want to take a pocket-protected hold.

Wait, it's Nerds who have pocket protectors, right? Aren't geeks the more D&D-types, who don't shower and eat poorly?

I watched as much of Food, Inc. as Lucy could stand. It kinda... scared me. Raw food seems to be the way to go. Sounds like a major adjustment.

I digress. In the process of requesting MySpace brand friendship from Dark Castle, I thought, hm, they're not going to know who I am, so they're going to go to my page and check me out, and what are they going to hear? Well, I haven't been to my own page in a while, let's go see... oh my god, this music sounds like shit! Not poorly-played, mind you--just mixed terribly and recorded with no pre-amp. I submitted this to a community college instructor for credit.... I'm lucky he had an artistic mind. Open to new possibilities. Hah! New possibilities of suck!

Well, here's something I recorded with my new equipment. Copy and paste this into your browser:

It's a short little diddy, and it sounds better than my other stuff. Still needs drums, tho. This is something that was just going thru my head randomly and I wanted to record really quick. It descends into madness shortly after it starts. The lead guitar is way off, too. OKAY!! I KNOW!! IT STILL SOUNDS LIKE SHIT!!

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