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New! GK has 2 new products on the shelves, each 1 of a kind!

Sales pitch
The little one ain't crying so much anymore. She's getting bigger. Still puking. But can lay by herself more often without crying. Waving her arms around and experimenting with movement on its basest levels. She smiles more often now and makes cooing sounds. It's the sweetest thing, little cutie she is.

The bigger one is learning how to behave and she's naughty and nice. Loves television. Experimenting with how much she can get away with. Newest development: tantrums around bedtime are back.
During the late-getting-dark spring and summer days this year, she's been getting to bed around 8:30 at the earliest. She's almost never asleep before 9. It's all good, though. Takes great big mid-day naps during which I can turn my brain off.

Both are available for sale through my accredited wholesaler Glenn's Kids.

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