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New Year's Day Videos of my Kids

I'm seeing all these articles online about things going on in the world, and I really want to read them, but ... it's that old adage coming into play once again: Time is Precious.

Here are a couple really long YouTube videos of my kids. I could stare at these beautiful girls all day long. Have fun, mom! And Caryn and Colleen. Love you all.

New Year's Day 2012's Lucille Virginia Rose

New Year's Day 2012's Beatrix Kathleen Lizette

(vid contains copy-written material--the music I'm playing on my computer from YouTube in the background. Please don't sue me--I'm just a poor, humble dad.)

1 comment:

  1. G,
    Your girls are sooooooooooo precious! I've been distracted for a couple months with my own health issues, catching up on Lucy and BB now. Would so love to spend time with them - and you and Megan.
    Aunt Colleen


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