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Random Dadding Thoughts

Believe me, I've tried, but moving slow while at home with the kids simply does not work. There's no time for sluggishness. The more you put stuff off, the more it piles up on you, the more you have to hurry and scurry, the more stress builds up. Seems a bit like boot camp. Boot camp lite. But it lasts for several years.

The best thing to say to a baby in a high chair, who's throwing food around and getting all messy, or to a toddler who's taken to whining like a fish to water, is: "Might I venture to point out, madam, that I wouldn't mind if you didn't do that anymore." And you have to say it like Jeeves.

Can u put badassspeakers on a macbook? that would be cool. Mine lack bass. My daughters are getting a second-rate metal education when I play all my music through Spotify, sans bass!

I've got a buttload of homework to do! Let me try to summarize:
--It's my turn to lead a class discussion today, along with my boy Doug E. Fresh. The topic is online social networking.
   * PowerPoint presentation
   * Gotta be able to talk for 10 minutes.
   * Blog post beforehand--premiliminary
   * Blog post afterward--reflection (but that's not due till Friday)
--General homework for Blogging:
   * Find a Wikipedia entry with an error.
   * Find a source containing the correction. (in class we will make Wikipedia usernames and edit the entry, w/citation)
   * Study for the first class quiz.
--Sample questions for the quiz:
   * What are three examples of Web 2.0 technology?
   * What are three (there are more than three) characteristics of a blog?
   * What are the differences between copyright and public domain?
   * What is a symmetrical relationship in a network? (Think Facebook)
   * Digital technologies fundamentally change our world in three specific ways. What are they?
   * What is a switching cost?
   * How are digital products like public goods?
--Study for Spanish test tomorrow.

So. This will be interesting. I've been running around the house this morning, taking care of the kids and doing chores, and working on all this whenever I have a spare minute.

BB is finally asleep, which gave me time to type this blog entry out. Lucy is a good girl about playing by herself and giving me some space. It took a while, but she's getting older. It was eventual.

Oh, and last night I was at the library from 3 till 11, with periodic food breaks.

BB is can pull herself up onto her feet now, and is talking the baby babble. So precious I think I might melt.

1 comment:

  1. "Might I venture to point out, madam, that I wouldn't mind if you didn't do that anymore."
    Love it ;)


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