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Toddler beats stranger anxiety

My Aunt Colleen visited my family and I today, and Lucy didn't freak out once! She's about 21 months old now, and she's doing pretty good about not spazzing when new people come into our apartment.

Toddler also hellion
Now what she is also doing is testing boundaries. Seeing how much stuff she can get away with knocking on the floor, or throwing (Gameboy), without picking up. And also she's testing the limits of doing what I tell her. And she's also trying to make me feel sorry for her when I raise my voice in these cases by crying and making that crying face where the lips all curl together and the face gets red and the eyes tighten and the mouth goes, "eeeeeeEEEEEEEeehhhh!!!"

Here's a sample conversation. Me: "Lucy come here and pick up that toy you just threw on the floor."
No response.
"Lucy come here!"
No response.
(louder still) "Lucy come here!"
She turns around, takes two steps towards me, crying, then walks back to her window perch.
"LUCY I WILL WRING YOUR LITTLE NECK AND PADDLE YOUR, -ahem- Lucy, my dear, please clean up your mess or you will be put up on the cross like your savior for the evening."

Dada would walk to ends of Earth for this one

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